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tfswitch is available for Windows, macOS and Linux based operating systems.


Download and extract the Windows version of tfswitch that is compatible with your system.
We are building binaries for 386, amd64, arm6 and arm7 CPU structure.
See the release page for your download.


Installation for macOS is the easiest with Homebrew. If you do not have homebrew installed, click here.

brew install warrensbox/tap/tfswitch


Installation for Linux operating systems.

curl -L | bash

By default installer script will try to download tfswitch binary into /usr/local/bin
To install at custom path use below:

curl -L | bash -s -- -b $HOME/.local/bin

By default installer script will try to download latest version of tfswitch binary
To install custom (not latest) version use:

curl -L | bash -s -- 1.1.1

Both options can be combined though:

curl -L | bash -s -- -b $HOME/.local/bin 1.1.1

Arch User Repository (AUR) packages for Arch Linux

# compiled from source
yay tfswitch

# precompiled
yay tfswitch-bin

Install from source

Alternatively, you can install the binary from the source here.

Having trouble installing.